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입트영 2019년 4월 8일/ Diets / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about when you went on a diet. I set a goal for the two months of winter break. I had only one meal each day, and worked out every day for at least an hour. I got pumped up by watching success stories of people who lost weight on YouTube. I hung up a pair of pants in the smallest size on the wall. My goal was to lose weight until I could wear those pants, I got by with only water and .. 2019. 4. 9.
스크리브너 20% 할인 받고 구입하는 방법. (직접 구매함) 스크리브너를 구입할까 말까를 오래동안 고민했다. 그리고 오늘 구입했다. $49이라는 가격이 그렇게 비싸지는 않아보이지만, 주변에 50%할인 가격으로 구입한 사람들이 이야기를 들어보면 제값 주고 프로그램을 사는 것은 왠지 찜찜해서 할인 정보를 찾던 중 20% 쿠폰을 받는 방법이 있다는 사실을 알고 구매를 진행해 봤다. 결론적으로 $49의 스크리브너를 $39.60로 구매할 수 있었다.스크리브너 구입을 원하는 분들이 계시다면 20%할인된 금액으로 구입해서 매일 글쓰기에 동기부여를 가지시기 바란다. STEP 1. 아래의 링크 스크리브너 빌리지에 접속한다. http://scrivenerville.com/scrivener-software/scrivener-coupon/ STEP 2. 중간에 '20% off :' 뒤.. 2019. 4. 5.
입트영 2019년 4월5일/ Skin Types and Skincare / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about people skin types. Everyone has a different skin type. They might have dry, neutral, oily, or sensitive skin. People care for their skin depending on their skin type. Moisturizing is important for dry skin. Otherwise, they might develop wrinkles. Break-outs are a common problem for oily skin, Skin trouble can cause acne scars. People with sensitive skin have to take care, becaus.. 2019. 4. 5.
입트영 2019년 4월 4일/ Online Shopping / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about how you buy things online. You can buy almost anything online these days. It's a snap to buy things, because there are so many Internet shopping malls. There's a wide range of products and prices. You can find vendors with the best price for a certain product. That way, you can buy the item at a bargain price. Of course, you can't see the product in person, so you should be care.. 2019. 4. 4.
입트영 2019년 4월 3일/ Mobile Devices / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about the mobile devices you use. I use all kinds of mobile devices. The one I use most often is, of course, my cell phone. It's an important device that lets me communicate with other people. I always bring my phone, no matter where I go. I also use my laptop and tablet PC often. I use my laptop for work, and mostly work on documents. I use my tablet PC to read articles. I also use i.. 2019. 4. 3.
입트영 2019년 4월 2일/ Searching for Restaurants / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about how you search for restaurants.I usually search online when I look for a restaurant. I enter the type of food I want to eat and the neighborhood as the search terms. I get a bunch of restaurants in the search results. There are lots of restaurant reviews from people who visited earlier. There are also pictures of the menus and descriptions of the food. Often, there are also dire.. 2019. 4. 2.
입트영 2019년 4월 1일/ Recycling / 낭독자료 STEP1 Talk about the way you recycle at home.I have two types of trash cans at home. One is for regular garbage, and the other is for recyclables. I gather plastics and cans in the recycling bin. I make sure to rinse off the recyclables with water before I throw them in the recycling bin I take them out separately once a week. I usually do that on my way out. There is a designated area for the r.. 2019. 4. 1.