STEP1 Talk about people skin types.
Everyone has a different skin type. They might have dry, neutral, oily, or sensitive skin. People care for their skin depending on their skin type. Moisturizing is important for dry skin. Otherwise, they might develop wrinkles. Break-outs are a common problem for oily skin, Skin trouble can cause acne scars. People with sensitive skin have to take care, because they might react poorly to skincare products.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
dry/neutral/oily/sensitive skin 건성/중성/지성/민감성 피부
care for ~을 가꾸다, 관리하다
depending on ~에 따라
develop wrinkles 주름이 생기다
break-out 얼굴에 뭐가 나는 것
a common problem 흔한 문제
skin trouble 피부 트러블
acne scar 여드름 흉터
take care 주의하다
react poorly 나쁜 반응을 보이다
skincare product 피부 관리 제품
STEP2 Talk about what you do for skincare.
As I get on in years, my skin is getting drier. Skincare has become tricky because of my dry skin type. In the winter, my face gets bone-dry. Unless I moisturize properly, I get dry patches on my face and crow's feet around my eyes. Between seasons, I always have severe skin trouble. In my 20s, I had adult acne. This made my pores wider. My skin has become less supple and I have more wrinkles now that I'm older.
[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]
get on in years 나이가 들다
become tricky 어려워지다
bone-dry 매우 건조한
moisturize properly 제대로 보습하다
dry patches 버짐
crow's feet 눈가 주름
between seasons 환절기에
adult acne 성인 여드름
become less supple 탄력이 떨어지다
[Expression of the Day]
I can barely see it.
거의 보이지도 않아.
A: Is something wrong? You seemed worried about something today.
B: I have a blind date tomorrow, but I got a huge pimple on my nose. see?
A: Don't worry about it. I can barely see it. Do you want to borrow some concealer?
B: No thanks. I don't think it will be enough. I guess I'll just cancel my blind date.