영어 정복/입이 트이는 영어 mp3 & scripts44 [최신] 입트영 mp3로 스크립트 만드는 방법 공유! [ VREW, VEED.IO 프로그램 이용 ] 입트영 본문 mp3를 들으면서 받아쓰기만 하는 입장에서 책을 매달 사는 것이 부담스러워 얼마전까지 멜론을 이용해 전월 본문으로 공부했었습니다. 하지만 그 서비스마저 중지가 되어 고민하고 있었는데, 아래와 같은 작업을 하시면 입트영 본문을 확인할 수 있습니다. 더 쉽고 간단한 방법이 있으면 함께 공유해 주세요^^ * 준비물 : 입트영 mp3 + 인터넷이 되는 컴퓨터. * 쉬운 과정이지만 궁금한게 있으시면 댓글에 문의해주세요. 감사합니다 * Vrew를 이용하는 방법 ( 프로그램 설치해야함 ) 1. 우선 아래 링크에서 해당 달의 입트영 mp3를 무료로 다운 받습니다. https://www.bookdonga.com/ebs/extradata_list.donga 동아출판 교재 홈페이지 교재에 대한 충실한 안내, 풍.. 2023. 2. 28. 영어공부 1일차 인증 5월 22일 입트영 모르는 단어. 1. 아침에 계란을 몇 개 먹었다. (a couple of) 2. 비가 많이 와서 길이 안 보였다. (heavy rain) 3. 어디선가 지갑을 잃어버렸어. (lose track of) 4. 허둥지둥 일을 하느라 실수를 많이 했다. (in a hurry) 1. I ate a couple of eggs.2. I couldn't see a road because of heavy rain.3. I lost track of my wallet somewhere.4. I made many mistakes in a hurry. 2019. 5. 22. 입트영 2019년 5월 1일/ Housing / 낭독자료 STEP 1)Describe the home you live in. I live in an apartment with my family. We've lived here for about 10 years. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is also a living room, a kitchen, a balcony and a storage area. There's a multi-purpose room behind the kitchen. It's where we keep the washing machine and the trash bins. There are various pieces of furniture and home appliances in t.. 2019. 5. 1. 입트영 2019년 4월 30일/ Music / 낭독자료 STEP1) 기본 표현으로 답변하기 Talk about when and where you normally listen to music. I usually listen to music on my cell phone. Since I carry around my phone everywhere, can listen to music wherever l am. I often listen to music when l'm on the move. For example, I listen to music on the subway or the bus. I also listen to music in the car when lI'm driving. Plus, I listen to music when I'm working out... 2019. 4. 30. 입트영 2019년 4월 29일/ Movies / 낭독자료 STEP1) 기본 표현으로 답변하기 Talk about the types of movies you like to watch. I am not that picky with movies, so l just watch whatever is fun. The only types of movies l do not like are horror movies, sci-fi movies, and superhero movies. Plus, I enjoy watching Korean movies. Korean movies have become a lot better than in the past. They are breaking the record at the box office. Also, some Korean movies.. 2019. 4. 29. 입트영 2019년 4월 26일/ Geography / 낭독자료 STEP1) 기본 표현으로 답변하기 Talk about the geography of Korea. Korea has very diverse geographical features. It has a lot of coastal areas because it is surrounded by the ocean on three sides. People can visit beaches for leisure whenever they want to. In the country's interior, there are many mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes. 70% of the country's land area is covered in mountains. Many large rivers f.. 2019. 4. 29. 입트영 2019년 4월 25일/ Internet / 낭독자료 STEP1) 기본 표현으로 답변하기 What was Internet surfing like a long time ago? When I first surfed the Internet, the connection was very slow. It took a long time to log on to a website. It also took a long time to download or upload data. Sometimes, I started a download at night and powered off the computer in the morning. Also, needed a computer to use the Internet. In other words, couldn't get Internet .. 2019. 4. 25. 입트영 2019년 4월 24일/ Making appointment / 낭독자료 STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기 Talk about the last time you made an appointment. A while ago, I suddenly wanted to get a massage. I hadn't made an appointment, so l called up the massage place. They didn't have an opening. I had to book a slot the next day. I arrived on time, and received a massage. I also made an appointment at the hair salon recently. I wanted to get my hair done, but something came up. I.. 2019. 4. 24. 입트영 2019년 4월 23일/ Fashion / 낭독자료 [STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기] Talk about how you like to dress. I usually stick to my own style. I choose clothes that look good on me. I also wear clothes that are right for the season. In the summer, I mostly wear light and brightly-colored clothes. In the winter, I wear heavy clothes in dark colors. I usually like to dress casually, butI wear work clothes at work. I pay a lot of attention to what I we.. 2019. 4. 23. 입트영 2019년 4월 22일/ Transportation / 낭독자료 STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기 Talk about the type of transportation you use the most. Most of the time, I take the bus or the subway. There is a bus stop right near our house. There is a local bus that operates only in our neighborhood. There are also buses that run out of town. I can use a mobile app to check a bus's ETA. The subway station is ten minutes away on foot. The subway is connected to almost ev.. 2019. 4. 22. 입트영 2019년 4월19일/Food Poisoning / 낭독자료 [STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기] Talk about when you had food poisoning. A while ago, I had stomach problems because of something I ate. I think some food had gone bad. My stomach hurt, and I was running a fever. I got hives on the skin around my neck. It was definitely food poisoning. I took some medicine we had at home, and I got some rest. The next day, I went to a clinic. received treatment, and got a s.. 2019. 4. 19. 입트영 2019년 4월18일/ Healthy Food / 낭독자료 건강한 음식[STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기]Talk about the types of food that are healthy.Vegetables and fruits are health foods. They are high in vitamins and dietary fiber. They provide a lot of essential nutrients. Meats are also an important source of protein. Pork, beef, chicken and fish all help the body consume important proteins. Beans and tofu also contain healthy protein. Organic foods are grown without.. 2019. 4. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음