[STEP1 기본 표현으로 답변하기]
Talk about when you had food poisoning.
A while ago, I had stomach problems because of something I ate. I think some food had gone bad. My stomach hurt, and I was running a fever. I got hives on the skin around my neck. It was definitely food poisoning. I took some medicine we had at home, and I got some rest. The next day, I went to a clinic. received treatment, and got a shot. I also got a prescription. Two days later, I felt myself again.
have stomach problems 배가 아프다
go bad 상하다
run a fever 열이 나다
get some rest 휴식을 취하다
receive treatment 치료/진료를 받다
get a shot 주사를 맞다
get a prescription 처방을 받다
feel oneself 정상이다. 건강을 회복하다
.get hives 두드러기가 나다
take medicine 약을 복용하다
[STEP2 심화 표현 로 답변하기]
Talk about a food poisoning incident you saw on the news.
I recently saw a news report about a mass food poisoning incident. The root of the problem was cake provided to school cafeterias from a food company. Over 1,000 people showed symptoms of food poisoning. They complained of high fevers, stomach pain, and vomiting. Ever since that incident, I have watched what I eat. I especially sweat the details with what my children eat. I always double-check the freshness of food and its expiration date.
mass food poisoning 집단 식중독
root of the problem 문제의 원인
show symptoms 증상을 보이다
complain of (어디가 아프다고) 호소하다
watch what I eat 먹는 것에 신경을 쓰다
sweat the details 세세하게 챙기다/따지다
double-check 재차 확인
expiration date 유통기한
You don't want to know.
모르는 게 나아.
A I don't think I can go to work today. I think I have food poisoning
B Is it because of the seafood you had yesterday? What are your symptoms?
A You don't want to know. I have to go to the bathroom a lot.
B I hope you feel better. Let me know if I can help in any way.