Talk about how you prepared to get a job.
I went through a lot to prepare for employment. First, I studied hard to get a high GPA in college. I also prepared for written exams I needed to apply to companies. English test scores were helpful, so l prepped for those, too l also wrote a cover letter and prepared for job interviews. After my junior year of college, I took a year off to prepare for a job. Thankfully, I was accepted to the company I wanted after I graduated.
- go through ~을 겪다
- high GPA 높은 학점 (grade point average)
- written exam 필기시험
- apply to ~에 지원하다
- prep for ~을 준비하다
- cover letter 자기소개서
- job interview 취업 면접
- junior year of college 대학교 3힉년
- take a year off 1년을 쉬다
- be accepted to ~에 합격하다
Talk about what people do to get a job at companies.
Job seekers put in a lot of effort to boost up their competence. There is stiff competition to get into good companies, so they really have to work hard. They obtain certifications, improve their English, and prepare for interviews. Usually, each person applies to several companies, and many fail during document screening. This makes it hard to land a job, so many people have to prepare for long periods. Even after being hired by a major corporation, some people find it is not their cup of tea, so they start over to change jobs
- job seeker 구직자
- boost up '을 강조하나
- land a job 취업에 성공하!
- major corporation 대기업
- stiff competition 높은경쟁
- obtain certification 자격증을 취득하다
- document screening 서류심사
- one's cup of tea 취향·적성에 맞는 것
- start over 다시 시작하다
Keep your chin up.
희망을 잃지 마
A Hey, how did your interview go? Do you think you got the job?
B I don't think so. I made a lot of mistakes. l'm really disappointed
A Keep your chin up. You have a great résumé. You might have passed
B Thanks for saying so. They announce the results tomorrow, so l'll just have to wait.