STEP1) 기본 표현으로 간결하게 답변하기
Talk about how you use the subway.
I usually take the subway to get to work. The subway is very crowded during the morning rush hour. The subway platform is crowded with people waiting for the train. Sometimes, I miss the train because there are too many people. Inside the train, it's so crowded I can hardly breathe. On the way, I have to transfer to another line. Riding the crowded subway in the morning sometimes wears me out.
- take the subway 지하철을 타다
- get to work 출근하다
- morning rush hour 출근 시간대
- crowded with ~으로 붐비는
- miss the train 열차를 놓치다
- can hardly breathe 숨쉬기 힘들다
- on the way 가는길에
- transfer to ~으로 갑아타다.
- wear someone out ~를 지치게 하다
STEP2 심화 표현 로 답변하기
Talk about the subway system in Korea
The Seoul metropolitan area and major cities have subway systems. The Seoul Subway, which launched operations in 1974, has become an important mode of transportation for local residents. There are 9 subway routes that connect Seoul and the capital area. The facilities are getting upgraded with video screens in the newer lines and stations. Access to areas near subway stations is convenient, so residential areas and cultural facilities are concentrated around the stations.
- metropolitan area 대도시권
- launch operations 운행을 개시하다
- mode of transportation 교동 수단
- local residents 현지 거주민
- subway route 지하철 노선
- get upgraded 개선되다.
- access to ~로의 섭근성
- residential area 주거 지역
- be concentrated around ~ 주변이 밀집되다.
I don't buy it.
못 믿겠어.
A Why were you late this morning? Did something happen?
B I missed my subway train, so I had to wait for thirty minutes.
A Idon't buy it. Korea's subway system is excellent. There are trains every few minutes.
B I know, but there was an accident at another station. It delayed all the trains.
I. 눈이 오고 있어서 출근하러 일찍 출발했다
(get to work)
2. 여기로 오는 길에 뭘 좀 먹어서 배가 안 고파
(on the way)
3. 지하철은 내가 가장 안 좋아하는 교통 수단이야
mode of transportation)
4' 그 학교 주변에 인기 있는 미용실들이 많이 밀집되어 있어.
(be concentrated around)
1. left early to get to work because it was snowing. 2. I'm not hungry because I ate on the way here. 3. The subway is my least favorite mode of transportation. 4. A lot of popular hair salons are concentrated around that school